An Ecological Management Plan (EMP) is sets out how a quarry development will deliver the biodiversity gains promised within Mineral and Waste Planning Applications, and are now commonplace within Planning Conditions. The Ecological Management Plan describe the habitats and species that are important, and set out an evidence-supported description that demonstrates how the habitat and species will be safeguarded and/or enhanced during the operational life of the quarry, and within the restoration and aftercare periods.

AEcol format our EMP as a set of step-by-step instructions in a ‘tool-box’ handbook for use by the Quarry Manager (QM) and all staff involved with the restoration. Each section has a definition of what ‘success’ should look like and a tabulated checklist for each phase of the development in order to ensure that nothing is missed and due-diligence is satisfied at all stages. The Text describes the best periods for performing each task, so the input from a contractor or Ecological Consultant is minimal.

We also include useful guidance (such as how to separate a water-vole burrow from a rat hole, and badgers from foxes, otters and rabbits), as well as advice as to how good quarry husbandry can reduce the potential that protected species will colonise unworked and operational areas (such as rolling up hoses to prevent amphibians from following them into working areas great crested newts, keeping scrub down to keep nesting birds off, and strimming bunds and mounds to discourage badgers from digging a sett). We have even produced workable guidance in respect of roosting bats in cliff-faces in more than one worked out stone quarry. As a result, the EMP gives as much control of ecology to the QM as is possible, but identifies when to call for help and who to call.