Why choose AEcol?
AEcol are the specialist quarry ecology consultancy company and have a long and happy history of working with the quarrying industry within the wider sector of environmental consulting. In the two decades that we have served our wide-ranging client base, we have provided specialist ecological input for a multitude of Mineral Planning Applications, and if the end result is a switch to landfill, we’re ready to assist with the Waste Planning Application too.
We have cultivated and maintained an excellent rapport with Local Authority Ecologists to ensure that problems are anticipated, and unnecessary conflicts do not arise. We have developed a widely respected method for the interpretation of Phase 1 data in order to provide our clients with a reasoned assessment of the biodiversity interest potentially present in any site at the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal stage. This framework ensures we do only what is demonstrably needed, and target the right surveys for the right species to satisfy British Standard BS42020 Biodiversity – Code of practice for planning and development at all stages of your project, saving you time, money and uncertainty.
We have designed evidence-based specialist strategies involving the rarest habitats and species in order to protect them in situ, or successfully move them to a position where they can be retained unharmed in order to secure Mineral Planning Permission. We’ve worked with independent planners and quarry staff to provide realistic ecological input into Reviews of Mineral Permissions that has resulted in tangible biodiversity gain, without negatively impacting upon the day to day running of the quarry.
In addition, AEcol have a wide range of experience in problem-solving, and have a call-out service to our clients. Every member of our team was specifically chosen for a combination of specialist skills coupled with the ability to think on their feet. The consultancy is designed to be mobile in order to react to situations where the quickest resolution is needed in order that (wherever possible) operational output is not compromised. However, this doesn’t mean that quality suffers, we will never leave you in any doubt that our findings are accurate; we always support our survey results with photographic evidence or video-footage, so you have confidence in any recommendation we make.
This service has meant that our quarrying clients have the peace of mind of knowing that if something does go wrong (i.e. great crested newts or Schedule 1 birds in the lagoon complex, bats in the substation or ‘that tree that is about to fall on the footpath’, badgers in the topsoil bund etc.) we will be there as soon as is reasonably practicable to provide sensible advice in a calm manner. We are proud to say that we have never lost a client. So, if you’re looking for an unrivalled depth of knowledge, breadth of experience and friendly service, look no further, the answer is AEcol.